"The stars are like letters that inscribe
themselves at every moment in the sky.
Everything in this world is full of signs.
All events are coordinated. All things
depend on each other. Everything
breathes together." Greek philosopher, Plotinus
"I can't breathe,
I can't breathe,
I can't breathe,
I can't breathe,"
Eric Garner's last
breath, words,
words, breath,
father, husband, son
no longer breathes
no longer breathes
no longer breathes
or speaks or laughs
or calls his children's
names or sings his
favorite songs in the
shower, or speaks
softly to his wife
or laughs with her
or argues with her,
his breath is gone,
his words are gone,
his mother's memory,
first breath,
first words,
yes, everything breathes
together, all things depend on
each other, all events are
coordinated, everything in the
world is full of signs,
and we can't breathe,
we can't breathe, we
can't breathe, we
can't breathe
freely, the stars are like
letters that inscribe themselves
at every moment in the sky,
we can't breathe
freely, we can't,
everything, every thing
breathes, yes, breathes
Eric Garner murdered in an illegal
chokehold, July 12, 2014.
**Mike Brown, 18- Tamir Rice, 12-
Trayvon Martin, 17...all unarmed
Alma Luz Villanueva (c)
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
December 2014
Everything breathes together...